Key West, Florida to Homer, Alaska!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Road to Key West

Last night was a pool party! Steaks, drinks, friends, drinks, pool, drinks, mosquitoes and yet, MORE DRINKS! Oh, if you could see the video's I have for blackmail in the future you would be proud of me!
Wildman cannon-balled into the pool, Shelbe followed, Mom suited up for the event and then of course I went in for some fun too.. Lisa surprised us by jumping in, clothing and all. We made some new friends, another Lisa, and then Mario and Debbie. We managed to talk Debbie into jumping in clothing and all! (did I mention that they were all into the drinks???) Wildman held Debbies hand and jumped in with her. I think when he said.. "come on you know you want to swim with the polar bear" she just couldn't resist the belly, hair and fun! LOL!!!!
Shelbe and I have managed to hit the Atlantic ocean 2 mornings in a row. Today we may have to bypass it so we can pack and prepare to drive south to Key West.
There has been work, shopping, swimming and fun. Tonight we will be on the island of Key West and hope to see some entertainment in Mallory Square.
PICTURES!!! I know you all would like to see some pictures, so I am going to have to tonight get everyone's cameras and compile pictures for you all.. Lisa has some great ones as well as Shelbe and myself. Sorry the post is so small today but I've got to get cleaning and packing! South bound today.
WILDMAN UPDATE: They have packed and set up and tore down EVERYTHING. He is 98% ready at this point, a few more odds and ends and we are set to drive to the Keys. HERE WE COME!

1 comment:

  1. Go team Wildman!!!

    We are with you!!!


    Maureen & George
